Saturday, June 12, 2010

The World Cup

It is i back from obscurity asking the tough question, does anyone blog anymore? It appears not i guess i well and truely missed the wave.

Aside from that pessimistic notion (which i guess if anyone is reading this would come to expect anyway) i do actually have a topic on my mind right now The World Cup! Which is expected i mean day two and the competition is in full swing, but funnily enough it's not the football i want to discuss, it's what the World Cup represents to me, it's not very often in life where we get to take a static mental snapshot of a period in time of how your life was at that moment. I mean there are the usuals, weddings, graduations, family holidays. You remember who you friends were and what they looked like at that very moment in time. But they're not regular, i mean birthdays are a nice regular look at your life once a year. But that's once a year, there is regular time to look at changes in your life but too short of a time period, changes can be taken for granted.

Then there's the World cup, how many other times can you say, this is how i have changed in the last 4 years, especially in the life of a young man. So many young men can say "i know where i was when Brazil won in 2002" or "when Italy won in 2006" (and it was all against Vialoux). I have been watching the World Cup since 1998, this has let me share the joy of triumph, the dispair of (another bloody shoot out) loss and the perspective to see how much my life has changed in the last 4 years.

So those of you enjoying the football, waiting with baited breath on the performance of your respective countries, take a second to look at how your life has changed in the last 4 years and hopefully enjoy the same perspective that i have enjoyed from 1998.

And now a joke

"What do you call an Scottishman in the second round of the world cup final?"
A Referee!


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