Wednesday, February 3, 2010


So i looked at my blog today and realised that i hadn't made a post since last year, so i thought i'd get off my ass and write a new one. Which is kind of a problem because it's summer and noooooothing of actual interest or excitment really happens during the summer period. Nothing to study as i'm not at uni over the summer and if your on holiday from work and the television is crap during the midday.

Which reminds me of a Pink Floyd lyric from one of my favourite songs called Nobody Home from The Walls album aka one of the most depressing albums in all of existance (did i spell that right?) anyway the line is:
"13 channels of s*** on the tv to choose from."
Which is a similar experience i have with the tv, except in higher volume and with different degrees of s***.
First there are only 21 channels i would consider watchable (including the sports and childrens channels)
But at the time of day when i frequently sit and watch some television there is jack all on. (I mean Jane and the freaking dragon for goodness sake, i mean females could not be knights, horrible concept)

So anyway i hope my lack of enlightenment and activity (apart from the gym but only to get away from boredom) um i usually have a little gag or something at the end of my blogs (do i still do that?) so um.
Patient: doctor doctor
Docter: what is it and why do people keep refering to me that way, i have a name you know!
Patient: I'm sorry doctor......
*Reads name tag* (do doctors have name tags?)
Patient: Doctor Weinstien, hey, i thought u were an accountant
Doctor: Oi way to make it racist you shmuck
Patient: That's disgusting i'm leaving
*Patients feet fall off*
Patient: Well this is embarressing

The moral of the story is, boredom is a dangerous thing

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