Friday, May 22, 2009


In my habit of blogging about obscure concepts i come now too logic, or more like lack of logic. I like to watch television, i consider it a past time, along with sleeping and not being at work it's one of my favourite things to do. If you are thinking that's sad well this is coming from the guy writing a blog about logic, if you followed that thought pattern then well done. That's logic!

Lately i have seen statements on tv that lack logic. Like for example that ad for a program on living (i think it was living) I think he was a Geordie bloke so that might describe the lack off logic. He says that because of the declining property market (i think it's implied that this is because of the recession) that it's a good time to renovate your homes. He fails to consider however another effect of the recession, which is of course the fact that people have less disposable income (either lost from investment or the fact that the value of it has decreased due to inflation) so this statement lacks logic.

I guess a Geordie hosting a program on living could be excused, i'm not going to disregard the skill in being a host of one of these programs and the work they most likely do put in. But you'd expect more from a current events program, giving us an informative look at the events around the globe. So when watching an ad for one of these programs (60 minutes i think it was) and see them say "the reason why Chickens aren't going extinct is because we're eating them. Now i'm not a farmer, but surely when you eat something from a species, there is now one less of that species. Now if everyone around the world is doing this then there would be a declining amount for the number of chickens. Now i didn't watch this program, but i will logically assume that this was a well researched article creating good points for the statement. And i'm sure it would be balanced, balanced for a tv company owned by a multi-national. Like for example chickens aren't dying out because we're breeding them to eat them, i would feel i was being logical in saying that.

As i ease into the end of this blog i will take the logical step in finishing with something appropriate, something Spock would be proud of, i'd ultimately like Spock to read this blog and say, that is very logical Oliver, do you have any vulcan in you and i'll of course say no Spock, not at all and i'll let you make up your own punchline, although i hope the punchline is obvious enough, otherwise it'd be just damn illogical.

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