Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here i go

It's 2am, i have work at 11am and i find myself writing a blog. I don't know whether it's late night shifts screwing up my sleep patterns, sheer curiosity or a want of a forum too share my thoughts with the unsuspecting public (the poor bastards don't know what they're in for). Maybe i can find a new identity in being a blogger, see someone in the street and say, "i blog and i can sense you do too." We can make a connection (if i have the fitness to catch him anyway), a bit of a long shot i know, but we all have to start somewhere and you never know, i might have a room full of disembodied carcasses and limbs. If you have closed the window in sheer disgust or gone to phone the police, i still want you to remember one thing, i love each and everyone of you.


    You better have been serious. Or I'm a tool...

  2. hahah i was about to say something about how i love oliver but han bet me to it. But far out Oliver you're awesome.
