Monday, March 30, 2009

The bus

The best part of the days i'm at uni is either the walk down queen street or the bus ride home. Don't worry it's not as sad as it sounds. I like having my headphones in and zoning out, obviously i'm concentrating, although that would explain some sharp blows to the head and civil actions suits. I like zoning out and thinking of funny things, maybe spotting something or someone that amuses me. Usually unfortunatly by the time i get home these thoughts are either gone or crap.

I did remember one thought however, i thought back to when someone at school was talking about being an exchange student and learning another language. She said that it's awesome when you dream in the language you are learning. I was amused at the notion of someone having one of these dreams, waking up and leaping straight to a dictionary for a translation.

On the bus i saw a woman with painted toenails. Is there an age limit for women with painted toenails! I mean in your naive childhood or your reckless young adult years fine! But a middle aged woman, i might even consider it inapropriate for a woman in her mid-twenties. Of course the woman might not have been as old as i thought she was, but i was tactful and didn't ask, apparently women don't like people saying they look older than they are, as much as anyone critising them for having painted toenails.

I also saw a young oriental woman on the bus, she was on the seats looking the opposite way to the rest of the bus and she had her eyes closed. I very much approve of this as i have experiences the same discomfort of being in one of those seats and not knowing where to look. And you have all these eyes looking on you! It's like an audience or a 50 or so member judging panel, judging you! On your posture, on your reading time, did you take too long with that paragraph! Is this appropriate material, i didn't study, i'm not ready for this! Maybe i'm over thinking it.

On a lighter note i have some advice, if on a 16 hour flight and one of the dinner options is curry, don't pick the curry and spend the rest of the flight in the toilet cubicle and let the chaos commence.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


As some people who know me will know, it's my aim to become more neurotic and bossy by the end of the year, to get a bit more of a headstart on the business world. This is helped by my uncanny knack of thinking of the worse thing that could possibly happen in most situations. For example yesterday morning about 1am i had to drive my car around for 20 mins coz i had to get a jump start (some jerk left the inside lights on!) All the way through the drive i was constantly paranoid about the cops and if i would somehow miraculously turn off the engine and leaving me totally out to sea.

Cops and my battery are a recurring theme in my journey from a sense of comfortability around people to complete neurosis and becoming a recluse, maybe picking up some kind of social ailment, alcoholism or losing some kind of limb come to mind, maybe gaining some kind of pity and maybe the occasional hand out.

But on the brighter note the sun still shines and the birds still sing, the universe is constantly growing! The world still goes round, although at a constantly decreasing rate. And as for the sun shining! It won't shine forever, eventually it will die and kill use all, leaving all human endevour completly pointless, maybe i shouldn't bother with becoming neurotic after all.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here i go

It's 2am, i have work at 11am and i find myself writing a blog. I don't know whether it's late night shifts screwing up my sleep patterns, sheer curiosity or a want of a forum too share my thoughts with the unsuspecting public (the poor bastards don't know what they're in for). Maybe i can find a new identity in being a blogger, see someone in the street and say, "i blog and i can sense you do too." We can make a connection (if i have the fitness to catch him anyway), a bit of a long shot i know, but we all have to start somewhere and you never know, i might have a room full of disembodied carcasses and limbs. If you have closed the window in sheer disgust or gone to phone the police, i still want you to remember one thing, i love each and everyone of you.