Thursday, October 1, 2009

Breasts/the AUT computer lab

Hello my pretties, the people that read my blog that expect more regular posts but Rome wasn't build in a day and i'm a bad mix of lazy and very VERY busy. I also have an ego to boost, so i imply that i am some kind of talented writer when i say, i am lowering myself to toilet humor, a very mild form of toilet humour, no this came out of that and the like. But i have pondered in my head this question in my head for a while. Now to put this into some kind of context it is well known that it is considered rude, perverted and sexist to look at a girls breasts, however i pose this question. Why if this is the case to t shirt makers put all the action around the cleavage area? I saw a girl walking down queen street with a monkey and writing around the area in question. (Don't ask me what was written. A monkey and breasts, come on!) I am a 19 year old guy with the attention span and imagination of a 7 year old! A monkey and breasts! My eyes aren't going anywhere else!

Now i've only filled a paragraph with that topic, sooooo here begins my regular shameless complaining about the computer labs at AUT. Now to list, only 10 computers have the computer software that i need for one of my papers, only some computers with excel have data analysis which i need for one of my papers and more recently and more temporarily the printers weren't working one day(not to bad i know i just needed filler) that i need for my course (hmm we're seeing a pattern here)

So in one foul swoop i have killed the integrity of my (cough cough) ethical writing, and for a change i didn't complain about conservitism, liberalism or multinationals. I feel fulfilled!

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