Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The times they are a changing

Bob Dylan one of my favourite songwriters sang about change, about the opinions of the people of the world with the new youth culture and folk movement, i'd like to say alot has changed. But the American government is still controlled by multinationals and big oil (damn i said i wasn't gonna complain about those) America is still controlled by over religious right wing gun nuts. But this blog wasn't meant to be me complaining about my qualms about the global economy and politics, coz i'm sure the 4 or 5 readers would not be interested in that (i'd end up using all these techinical terms) but change is an interesting topic, it happens to all of us, whether we're signing a mortgage or your a shopaholic deciding what clothers your going to buy and leave at the back of your closet without wearing it once!

So i'm sitting on the couch with a glass of whiskey with comedy central in the background writing about change (without using the words Barack Obama in the first paragraph) and this isn't about Barack Obama i mean yeah the first black president is a pretty major change but today when i was thinking about change his name was the last to come to mind.

So i guess to get this into context i guess i'd better talk about my day. Basically i got up late for uni (not really a change i've done that a dozen times before) and luckily my bus wasn't too full and i got two seats to myself which during the bus lockout is a freakin luxury (i say lockout cause i'm a demand side economic, yeah i know more big words this'll be over soon, and will side with the employee over the capitalist pig trying to opress the bus workers) and there we already have a substantial change! Industrial action, it's what you want in a change, juicy consequences (not getting a seat in a goddamn bus!) a bit of drama if you watch the news (which if you're an average New Zealander you don't) and traffic that pissed the hell out of me! Oh! On a side note, i'm sorry i have to vent. But who decided to merge the lanes right after a busy off ramp! Seriously! I sat through traffic which a freakin third lane would fix! The cheap cost cutting moronic son of a freakin (crap i forgot i wasn't swearing on this thing)! I want to find you and cut off a third of your house, because that my friends is justice served bulldozer!

But we're getting beyond ourselves, coz at this point i was still in town (and not in traffic!) Nothing of interest there really. Minor changes like a change of breezes, recieving a grades and it starting to freakin rain! Oh i've skipped something, yeah the Burger King set on fire (yawn not really big news, seriously there was no smoke, cept from the usual smokers on Queen Street, the point is i didn't get my red bull and that annoyed me also) So anyway i bought some shirts (calm down i know it's not more important than a fire, merely a plot decide to keep this story moving) now this is a change in itself as i know have more shirts, but i also saw a another kind of change, a change that has happened and is continuing to happen. I saw a drag queen, now that in itself isn't a major change, but perception and freedom has. Which would work for anything and yes i admit is a bit of a stretch. Now i used to consider myself a liberal, don't get me wrong i believe in equality based on race, religion and creed (as long as you're a man) but liberal, that people have the freedom to do anything with no government regulation! (and once again i'm venting) now with the rise of liberalism you can effectively within the bounds of the law (with a couple of grey areas) do anything you want, and though people don't like it and i makes some uncomfortable they have to respect your freedom to do anything you want.

Now i think i've blagged on long enough about change and my second glass of whiskey looks neglected, i'm sure i had a point but now it's escaped. So to once again quote the great Bob Dylan "Goodbyes too good a word babe, so i just say farelewell."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Breasts/the AUT computer lab

Hello my pretties, the people that read my blog that expect more regular posts but Rome wasn't build in a day and i'm a bad mix of lazy and very VERY busy. I also have an ego to boost, so i imply that i am some kind of talented writer when i say, i am lowering myself to toilet humor, a very mild form of toilet humour, no this came out of that and the like. But i have pondered in my head this question in my head for a while. Now to put this into some kind of context it is well known that it is considered rude, perverted and sexist to look at a girls breasts, however i pose this question. Why if this is the case to t shirt makers put all the action around the cleavage area? I saw a girl walking down queen street with a monkey and writing around the area in question. (Don't ask me what was written. A monkey and breasts, come on!) I am a 19 year old guy with the attention span and imagination of a 7 year old! A monkey and breasts! My eyes aren't going anywhere else!

Now i've only filled a paragraph with that topic, sooooo here begins my regular shameless complaining about the computer labs at AUT. Now to list, only 10 computers have the computer software that i need for one of my papers, only some computers with excel have data analysis which i need for one of my papers and more recently and more temporarily the printers weren't working one day(not to bad i know i just needed filler) that i need for my course (hmm we're seeing a pattern here)

So in one foul swoop i have killed the integrity of my (cough cough) ethical writing, and for a change i didn't complain about conservitism, liberalism or multinationals. I feel fulfilled!