Friday, April 24, 2009

bad day/frustration

Seneca's Praemeditatio
[The wise] will start each day with the thought....Fortune gives us nothing which we can really own.Nothing, whether public or private, is stable; the destinies of men, no less than those of cities are in a whirl.Whatever structure has been reared by a long sequence of years, at the cost of great toil, and through the great kindness of the gods, is scattered and dispersed in a single day. No, he who has said 'a day' has granted too long a postponement to swift misfortune; an hour, an instant of time, suffices for the overthrow of empires.How often have cities in Asia, how often in Achaia, been laid low by a single shock of earthquake? How many towns in Syria, how many in Macedonia, have been swallowed up? How often has this kind of devastation laid Cyprus in ruins?We live in the middle of things which have all been destined to die. Mortal have you been born, to mortals have you given birth.Reckon on everything, expect everything.

A little morbid i know, Seneca was talking about death and i just had a bad day, but the words still mean something to me.

You see my day started at about midnight while i was still at work (not a great start i know) and it was about that time i managed to burn my hand on an oil cover basket as i was pushing it so it would submerge into the sink, not my finest hour i know. It didn't help that i was dishwashing and now putting my right hand into the sink was pure agony leaving me with only one hand. Luckily there was cream in the first aid box which helped a bit but it was still quite painful.

Not only that the EFPOS kept screwing up, which was annoying, because there are so many times you can say to the customer, i'm sorry it'll only be a minute before the words lose all meaning and you're the smiling bringer of bad news with bubbles all over your apron, if someone had said i'd look like that 5 years ago, well, i dunno actually, i suppose i wouldn't have really cared, i might have found it funny.

Now the thing about closing at Wendys on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday night is, that the support office are a bunch of bastards (pardon my french) as a multi-national corperation (do not get me started on multi-nationals) They try to make as much profit as possible (i.e by making more sales) Now the jerks at Mcdonalds have gone 24 hours, which i will then get the reply "surely that's a good thing." and you'd be slightly right for the consumer in me. But the worker in me wants to go home as quick as bloody possible, unfortanatly because of mcdonalds there is now a market for late night fast food. So if the Manager deems it necessary then the store closes a whole hour later than usual (i.e 2am)

Now it was about 1:30am when the EFPOS decided too stop working, and not start working again, this was just after we were soon going to close aswell.

Now my day didn't end there, after work at about 2:30am i went with some work mates to dominion road (as you do) for some chinese food (which was really nice, no real complaints, sweet and sour pork yum yum) It was enjoyable except for the fact that one of my managers (which was there with us) said that i was to go on another forced holiday (you got it! Support office again!) Now my hard earned holiday pay, which i wanted there for when i quit is too be used while i sit at home on my ass. I'll go out and have fun with mates, so maybe that not so bad.

Now you would expect i then went home and got a good nights sleep. But no! The person who was driving took the wrong exit! And we were on our way to Hamilton and the Gillies ave exit was closed! So we got off at Epsom expecting that we should be able to get on the moterway fairly easy. That's if whoever designed Epsom had half a brain cell. So we drove around and eventually! Got onto the moterway.

I got my meagre 6 hours sleep as i got up at 11 for my shift at 12. Now dealing with customers who are irratable and sometimes quite stupid with a sub par speaker system is tolerable. But after 6 hours sleep, it does tend to take it's toll. Especially with one dickhead i had to deal with, although to be fair it wasn't technically his fault, but his lack of patience didn't help with dealing with the situation. You see i take orders on the drive thru, so obviously i start by saying "hi, may i take your order." Now i don't think he heard me, so said nothing till finally he said "hello." to which i replied of the same fashion. He then said "are you there." which seems a fairly redundant sentence and i thought he was probably just another moron. He then asked if he could place an order, i didn't reply sarcastically of course, maybe if we were in better economic times i may have, i said he could too which he replied "well then, welcome to wendys may i take your order." He antagonised me! Now i was getting pissed off, after this moron taking my time not order he was now telling me what to do! So i said, "can you just place your order please." he replied "that's better." and started ordering, i unfortunatly didn't hear him and asked him to repeat, he said he'd just order at the window.

He was not unfortanatly the worst customer i had to deal with. The F word came up several times when describing them and the C word. But i shall keep my discretion while i put it into text. They weren't stupid or irratable, the were obnoxious and straight out taking the goddamn piss! At the speaker they asked for a product that we no longer do (i.e the chocolate frosty) so the person taking the order told them that, they kept asking after the order taker and the manager said that we don't do it. They paid at the 1st window and at the 2nd window where i was serving the order they asked where their chocolate frosty was, i gave them no doubt that we didn't do it by saying that there was no chocolate frosty in the building i said we only do chocolate frosty shakes, they then gave me cash for one and i then made it, while this was happening a line of orders was forming for me to prepare, after giving them the shake they asked to see the manager, the manager went to talk to them, he ended up refunding the shake! And a few minutes later while putting fries into the fryer a bit of oil splashed into my eye.

And then i jizzed in my pants

Saturday, April 11, 2009


I hope i'm not breaking some blogging rule by writing about an obscure concept, but this is a what's on my mind blog and when i start thinking away my imagination goes to some pretty strange and sometimes dark places.

To do justice to this thought i'm obligated to write it down as soon as possible, unfortunatly i have broken this obligation. I've broken two obligations in a blog about obligation, not only that but alot of the aspects of obligation i was thinking about have gone from my mind, so not the best of starts there really.

But as i've stated this blog i'm obligated to continue to the very bitter end and damn well enjoy the process of doing it.

Now in my opinion obligation comes into two catagories, social obligations and legal obligations, people tend to fulfill their legal obligations as the big bad government will hunt you down and give you a damn good talking to. On the other hand people not priorities and even ignore their social obligations (well like me)

As an example say your picking up someone from a bus station and you're going to be more than ten minutes in arriving, you're obligated not not say you'll be there soon. however loose the meaning of soon is i think anything over the 10 minutes falls out of juristiction of soon!

I also saw some g units as my bus drove past Akoranga station and as g's are obligated to be g's they made g signs at the bus, although it wasn't in a douchy way, it was a more funny, fun loving way. (although i was in a rare optimistic mood that day)

I guess the vandals that smashed my wing mirror, felt obligated as vandals to vandalise my car, while ignoring their social obligation to respect my propery and their legal obligation to not commit a crime. Now i'm not bitter, but from now i have a high powered hydrolic crossbow, i'll show how unbitter i am from the soon to be built turret on top of my house next time someone goes near my car.

Now as per my usual blogging style, i end with a C grade version of something i call a punchline or a one liner (is it a or an, i'm sure it should be an but i'm sounding it out and it doesn't sound right) You would almost say i'm obligated to, i guess that's another obligation broken.