Saturday, April 28, 2012


So it's been a while.......... this blog was put onto hiatus a few years ago (well i say hiatus, because with an ego like mine, who needs realism!) i neglected this blog which is a real shame because it was an absolute joy to write, so i've decided to give it another shot, with my grand return, an older more worldly refreshingly cynical! I think that's the first time i've refered to myself as my username on anything, but i digress. But i find that however mature i find my beliefs  and knowledge i still like very immature things. Which is a pretty nice segway into the topic.

I am going to make an admission, possibly even a confession..... ready? here it comes. I like cartoon, i'm not only one of course, heck on the internet there are people in my age group that enjoy a recent my little pony cartoon, i still haven't quite worked out if it's all a big joke, it doesn't make a difference to me, it's hilarious either way!

Is it nostalgia? I think that forms part of it, i mean can anyone really say that they don't have some sort of attachment to the things that they enjoyed in the important development stages of their lives, personally the things that i love, music, media, sport and interest, are usually things that i enjoyed between the age of 10 and 18. So much now that it's hard for me to get into new music, which some big exceptions.

I also personally think that these cartoons while entertaining are a great source of social commentary, from the cartoon in the 40s that had Popeye fighting the yellow peril, to those crazy 80s outfits and consumerist culture in the 90s.

You might find it odd that in a blog titled maturity i write about my own immaturity, well immaturity is from the same coin, just on a different side.